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Invisible Ageing: Statelessness, Ethnicity and Ageing in North Macedonia Through an Intersectional Lens

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2024-12-11/ | Ivana Spirovska

Elderly Care Across Borders: Insights from Southeastern European Workers in Germany

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2024-11-26/ | Kathleen Beger

Family-Friendly Hungary: A Look at Family Policies, Demographic Changes, and Selective Pronatalism

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2024-10-16/ | Orsolya Udvari

Balancing Physical and Mental Care for Older People in the Bulgarian Town Vidin

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2024-07-04/ | Stefania Gabrovska

Understanding Albania’s Newly-Found Demographic Anxiety

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2024-05-14/ | Andi Balla

Attitudes Towards Older People Among National Minorities in Serbia

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2024-05-14/ | Saša Nedeljković

The Overconcentration of Care Services for Older People in the Bulgarian Town Dryanovo

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2024-02-28/ | Galina Goncharova

The Budapest Demographic Summit and Great Replacement Theories

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2023-08-03/ | Attila Melegh

The Bloomsbury Handbook to Ageing in Contemporary Literature and Film. Ed. by Sarah Falcus, Heike Hartung and Raquel Medina

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2023-08-03/ | Oana Hergenröther

Essay Collection on Aging in Eastern and Southeastern Europe

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2023-08-03/ | Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl, Oana Hergenröther

“Serbs – the People that Ceases to Exist.” Bela Kuga, Demographic Anxieties, and Nationalism in Serbia

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2023-08-03/ | Ulf Brunnbauer